Asthma, common yet serious.
Do you know a child with asthma? Chances are you do. As many as 1 in five Canadian children have asthma. It is a disease that is common, but all too often the seriousness of the disease is not realized. Asthma is the leading cause of hospital admissions among children and also one of the leading causes of school absences. Unfortunately asthma can also be deadly. 235 Canadians died from asthma in 2011 (1). Mike and Sheri (Lung Association of Saskatchewan Asthma Ambassadors) tragically lost their wonderful son, Emerson, in December 2013 at the age of two from an asthma attack. By sharing Emerson’s story they are hoping that parents understand the seriousness of asthma and that it never happens to any other child. Fortunately, with education and the right plan to manage asthma, most of these deaths are preventable.
It is important for asthma to be controlled and treated. The first step is knowing what good asthma control means. Find out if your child is at risk for an asthma attack by taking the 30 second asthma quiz. If your child’s asthma is not under control, please speak to your health care provider today or contact The Lung Association and speak to a certified respiratory educator today.
- Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics, Death Database (2011).